Thursday, September 8, 2016

Advice from a Tennis Player
Ace your dreams
Defend your court
Set your sights on high goals
Spin life in your favor
Don’t pressure yourself too much
Make sure you always have an advantage
Be a winner
Smash your goals

Every fault means you’re learning
Be outside and on the grass
Always run to the ball
Break records and be happy
Challenge calls you’re not happy about
Always have a partner you can trust
Rally back from defeats

Enjoy the fans!

1 comment:

  1. After watching the 90 minute Match last week, I am convinced that Arjun practices what he preaches in his recent poem on Tennis.

    The endurance in the sweltering sun and the cal calculated Returns to the aggression and desperation of the older opponent have not only got him success, but also won the admiration of all those who called it AWESOME. He also hastened to give a few tips to his team mates in the Doubles.

    That level of Qualities coming to lad of ten is marvelous. God bless you Arjun, with Greater Success ahead of you.

    Love and best wishes,

    Aja and Ajji
